- type C63: this type of layout allow of using
exhaust flue and air duct with elbows and
couplings not delivered by the manufacturer.
However any item used shall be certified for
this use. Any diameter equal or larger than 60 mm
are allowed. It is important to refer to the used
items’ manufacturer for technical data, which shall
meet the requirements for this application. In any
case certified products shall be used, according to
the local regulation for this application (Tab. 12).
Tabs. 12, 13 show the acceptable pressure drop and
the one that occurs with the delivered ducts.
These tabs can be used as reference for air duct and
exhaust flue design.
The following tabs show the maximum ducts length
acceptable; be advised that bends or any other
accessory fixed to the duct causes an extra pressure
According to the European rule UNI EN 1443 the used
material should be type class W1.
In case of horizontal exhaust flue the following
recommendation shall be applied:
- exhaust flue shorter than 1 m, the duct shall be
sloping 2-3 cm to make the condensate flow back
into the heater
- exhaust flue longer than 1.5 m, the condensate
forming along the flue shall be collected and drained
by proper system, based on the local regulation.
As described in Tab. 13 for each special piece
the length is different (curve 45° is equal at 0,9 m).
Fig. 17