Manual 104i-COM-8SM
A printed Quick-Start Guide (QSG) is pack
ed with the board for your convenience. If you’ve
already performed the steps from the QSG, you may find this chapter to be redundant and
may skip forward to begin developing your application.
The software provided with this PC/104 Board is on CD and must be installed onto your
hard disk prior to use. To do this, follow the steps below as appropriate for your operating
system. Substitute the CD-ROM drive letter where you see d: in the examples below.
CD Installation
The following instructions assume the CD-
ROM drive is drive “D”. Please substitute the
appropriate drive letter for your system as necessary.
Place the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
The system should automatically run the install program. If it does not run promptly,
click START | RUN and type
, click OK or press
Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software for this board.
Installing the Hardware
Before installing the board, please run setup.exe. The SETUP Program can be used to
assist in configuring the switches and jumpers on the board. The setup program does not
set the options on the board, these must be set manually by the user.
To Install the Card
Install jumpers for selected options and position the slide switches to select the
position in the stack.
Remove power from the PC/104 stack.
Assemble standoff hardware (optionally available) to stack and secure the boards.
Carefully plug the board onto the PCI/104 connector on the CPU or onto the stack,
ensuring proper alignment of the pins before completely seating the connectors.
Install I/O cables onto the board’s I/O connectors and proceed to secure the stack
together or repeat steps 3-5 until all boards are installed.
Verify all connections in the PCI/104 stack and secure then power up the system.
With the CD you received with your shipment in the drive, install the software for the
card, following the printed QuickstartGuide.pdf you also received.
a. In Windows, each COM port is assigned a number, which will correlate to a
COM letter (COMA/COM5, COMH/COM12).
Run one of the provided sample programs appropriate for your operating system
that was installed from the CD to test and validate your installation.
If a 104i-COM-8SM channel is configured for RS-485 the Properties dialog box must be
used to enable auto-RTS. You can find this dialog box in the Device Manager program for
the ports involved.
To gain a better understanding of the XR17D158 register set, refer to the chip datasheet
located in the ChipSpecs directory on the ACCES I/O Software Master CD.