Manual PCIe-DIO-120/96/72
Bias Resistors
Outputs of the I/O buffers are jumper configurable to be pulled up or down through 10k
resistor networks to VCCIO. There is a description in the Option Selection section of this
manual that describes how to configure these on your card.
One digital I/O line of each group can be used to generate an interrupt with a rising edge
at bit C3. Interrupts are enabled by software.
I/O wiring connections are via 50-pin headers on the board. This provides compatibility
with OPTO-22, Gordos, Potter & Brumfield, Western Reserve Controls, etc. module
mounting racks. Every second conductor of the flat cables is grounded to minimize
crosstalk between signals. If needed for external circuits, VCCIO power is available on
each I/O connector at pin 49.
Figure 1-1:
Block Diagram