• There are two different weighing units in Dual Display Mode: gram and ounce.
• In grams, the LED display shows [0.00 0].
• In ounces, the LED display shows [0.00 0.00].
• The maximum display time will be 9 minutes and 59 seconds. The weight shown on
the right side of the display measures from 0 to 999. When the value is over 1000, it will
restart from 0 with mode indicator flashing.
• The LED display shows [0:00 0] with the timer on the left and the weight on the right in
• The LED display shows [0:00 0.00] with the timer on the left and the weight on the right
in ounces.
• The timer will display from [0:00] to [9:59] before stopping.
Mode 2 - Dual Display Mode
Mode 3 -Timer Starts with Flow Mode
In Dual Display Mode, the scale displays [0.00 0] with
a timer (left) and weight (right).
Place an item on the scale. Tap the power button to
automatically tare and prepare the timer to detect the
flow of water. The timer will flash, indicating that it is
ready. Begin pouring and the timer will start with flow
detection from the pour. The timer stops when the
brewing equipment is removed.
Start/Stop/Reset Timer
Tap Power button
Tare Weight
Tap Tare button
Reset Mode
Double tap Tare button
Switch Mode
Press and hold Power button
Initiate Auto Start
Tap Power button
Tare Weight
Tap Tare button
Stop Timer
While timer is running, tap Power button
Reset Mode
Double tap Tare button
Switch Mode
Press and hold Power button