3. Once the track has been adjusted, tighten the 12-point front-end retainer bolt.
4. Re-install the outside track cover.
To loosen the track for removal or repair follow these steps.
12- point Front-End Retainer Bolt
Hex Track Adjuster
1/4” Screw Driver Access Hole
1. Remove the large outside cover from the side you want to loosen.
2. Use a 12-point socket to loosen the 12-point front-end retainer bolt.
3. Next use a 7/16” hex socket to slightly rotate the hex track adjuster to relieve tension
on the internal adjuster ratchet mechanism. CW for the left side, CCW for the right
4. While relieving the tension insert a 3/16” diameter phillips screw driver into the ac-
cess hole to release the internal locking mechanism. This should allow the track to
become slack. If needed, hold the screw driver in place and push the track inward to
allow for more slack. Remove the screw driver once the track is completely retracted.
Track Cover Screws
Outside Track Cover
Left Side
Right Side
Ratchet and 12-point socket