2.5. Wake up device / Wake-up
Press the Link button once to wake up the
device. It then establishes a connection to the
Z-Wave gateway and transmits the current
2.6. Audio files
General Information
The siren is used to play audio files from the built-in speaker.
You can download audio files from the Windows PC to the device's memory and play them back
using commands from the Z-Wave controller.
In addition, the device memory already contains 14 useful files:
Further language files in German and English are available for download:
For example, you can be informed about fault messages, such as low battery status of a
component, or status changes of the system, e.g. activation or output delay.
Use sound editor software on a PC to change the audio files to match the following formatting:
Format: WAVE format (file extension '. wav')
Other formats, like MP3 files, have to be converted to . wav
Sampling rate: 8KHz~32KHz.
Mono only
Maximum length: 30 seconds for each file
Save the files in a folder. Make sure that the total size of all files does not exceed approx. 5
MByte, which corresponds to about 85 seconds playback time.
Note the Capacity display: