[11] wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus Complete
Special features compared to the wAppLoxx Pro Control
The following chapter illustrates the differences compared to the wAppLoxx Pro Control.
Detailed descriptions can be found in the referenced chapters.
Inserting the button battery (see chapter 5)
A Duracell button battery is included in the delivery. This must be inserted into the battery
holder before the control is started up.
First connection setup (see chapter 5)
With the wAppLoxx Pro Control, the first connection could only be established in the first 5
minutes. For other devices, a security key had to be passed on.
This condition does not apply to the new wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus. It can be registered at
any time and with multiple devices.
In addition, the wAppLoxx Pro Plus Manager is used for start-up instead of the Finder. The
Manager is available for download at the following link:
Initial registration (see chapter 5)
At initial registration, the username of the wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus is "Administrator", the
password is the same as for the wAppLoxx Pro Control, "12345678".
Remote and cloud access configuration (see chapter 6.2)
When starting up your wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus for the first time, you can allow remote
and cloud access. You can then change this permission at any time in the system settings.
The changes will take effect after the control is restarted.
Cloud access is required for updates via the cloud and sending notifications via email.
Remote access allows specialist installers to carry out maintenance on the system.
E-mail notifications (see chapter 6.3)
Only one e-mail address needs to be entered to receive e-mail notifications. Then you can
select e-mail notification as the reaction to an event (see chapter 10.3).
wAppLoxx Pro Repeater (see chapter 7.2)
Before repeaters are added to the system, the slave controls must be added (max. 4). The
repeaters can then be assigned to the master or slave controls.