Assembly steps without extension blocks:
Diagram 2 Diagram 3 Diagram 4
Diagram 5
1. Unscrew bolts (B), lock washers (C) and flat washers (D) by Allen wrench (A) from mounting
bridge (H)
(See Diagram 2)
2. Remove extension blocks (G) from legs (F) by unscrewing bolts (E) lock washers (C) and flat
washers (D) in counter clockwise direction with care.
(See Diagram 3)
3. Attach
mounting bridge
(H) to legs (F) by inserting bolts (B), lock washers (C) and flat
washers (D), tighten with Allen wrench (A). (See Diagram 4).
4. Attach bottom stretcher (I) and middle stretcher (J) to legs (F) by inserting bolts (E),
lock washers (C) and flat washers (D), tighten with Allen wrench (A) (See Diagram 5)