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The ADE-10 is a 3-stage analog waveshaping, wavefolding and feedback
effect in a 10HP module in the Eurorack format.
The 3 stages are arranged in series so any 1 stage can be operated
independently or combined with either of the other 2 stages.
All 3 stages can be modulated manually or via dedicated external CV inputs,
which can also be attenuated and biased directly from the front panel.
All inputs and outputs are DC-coupled and input and output signal levels
can be gained or attenuated at both the pre- and post-effect stage.
All inputs are capable of accepting signals within a range of approximately
+/-10V AC or DC and, under normal operating conditions, should work with
any signal level generated within the Eurorack format.
Simultaneous outputs provide a FULL-WAVE output for +/- AC and DC signals
and a HALF-WAVE rectified output for positive AC and positive DC signals.
The ADE-10 is designed to work best with simple, symmetrical, angular and
non-rectangular waveforms (i.e. sine, triangle and sawtooth) and most
waveforms derived from combinations of these initial waveform shapes.
The ADE-10 can also work with envelope generator and CV signals created
from square, pulse, gate and trigger signals fed via a lag generator to ‘round’
the edges of the input signal.
The ADE-10 is frequency and waveform independent - it operates across
the complete ‘musical’ frequency range from audio to LFO and CV.
The shaping stages produce effects from subtle phasing to more aggressive
PWM-style sounds. The feedback circuit can add soft, bell-like resonance to
simpler waveforms or harsher saturation to more complex waveforms.
The output of each stage will vary slightly based on the type of waveform that
is used as the initial input. This is due to the way the ADE-10 adds and reacts
to the harmonic content of the input waveform and then, in turn, the output
waveform of the preceding stage - thus, the term ‘reactive’ - each stage is
a reaction to the stage that precedes it.
Setting up the ADE-10 for optimal use is easy and for first-time users, these
simple steps should get you started:
1) Secure the ADE-10 into a rack using the correct mounting screws, connect
the rack’s internal power supply and turn the power on (
Please see
on page 7 of this guide
2) Lower all knobs on the ADE-10 to fully counter-clockwise (0%);
3) Connect the output of a VCO to the SIGNAL IN of the ADE-10. If possible,
use a sine wave output as this will demonstrate the full harmonic potential
of the ADE-10;
4) Connect the FULL-WAVE output of the ADE-10 to the Input stage of
another module or some type of AC-coupled output stage (
Please see
on page 7 of this guide
5) Raise the INPUT GAIN/ATTEN knob until shaping is triggered (depending
on the volume of your initial input this should be at approx. 50%, you might
hear a change to a more square-like sound at this threshold. If not - that is
fine, your input is below the triggering threshold and you’re good to go) -
then lower the INPUT GAIN/ATTEN knob to just below this threshold;
6) Raise the OUTPUT GAIN/ATTEN to approximately half-way (50%) or to a
level that suits the requirements of the module the ADE-10 is plugged in to;
7) Start making noises.
© 2011 Abstract Data Ltd.
Version 1.0 October 2011
4: Overview