Keil Plug
E-OCD II Debugger User
s Manual
Keil Plug
Basic Features
Keil PK51 (Professional Developer kit) includes the μVision
The μVision Debugger from Keil supports simulation using only the user’s PC or laptop, and
debugging using the target system and a debugger interface. μVision includes traditional features
such as simple and complex breakpoints, watch windows, and execution control as well as
sophisticated features such as trace capture, execution profiler, code coverage, and logic analyzer.
Using the Keil plug-in, you can work with the ABOV E-OCD II interface
on the μVision Debugger. The
ABOV E-OCD II interface
fully supports the Keil Vision IDE. ABOV’s target d
river is seamlessly
integrated with the Keil debugger, allowing Keil C51 users to work in the Vision environment without
switching between the Keil compiler and ABOV’s external OCD software.
Figure 4-1 Example :
Vision4 Program