Practice these multiplication problems:
9 x 3 = 27
14 x 7 = 98
23 x 5 = 115
90 x 3 = 270
11 x 13 = 143
4 x 29 = 117
For division problems, you will not be setting any
numbers under the 10 on the middle ring, because
that is where your answer is going to be! The
example below explains what I’m trying to say:
Example: 15/5
Whatever number is being divided will go on
the outer ring. Therefore in this example, find
15 on the outer ring.
Rotate the 15 so that it is in line with the 50
(5.0 remember?) on the middle ring.
Now look at the 10 on the middle ring and
read the number on the outer ring. It will say
30 or as we know, 3.0!
Answer: 15/5 = 3!
Summary of Contents for Jackie
Page 1: ...Abingdon Watches Jackie Product Information Manual and Warranty...
Page 2: ...2 Revision 1...
Page 5: ...5...
Page 35: ...35...