Appendix C: Battery Longevity Information
The longevity of the IPG battery depends on the following factors:
Programmed settings, such as frequency, pulse width, amplitude, and number of active
Program impedance
Hours of stimulation per day
Shelf life of the device between the dates of manufacture and implant
Duration of communication sessions between the IPG and the patient controller or clinician
To estimate battery longevity manually, perform the following steps. For additional help with
estimating battery longevity, contact Technical Support.
Locate the energy factor for the desired stimulation parameters according to the lead
impedance in the tables in one of the following sections:
For IPGs using tonic stimulation parameters, see "Energy Factors for Tonic Stimulation
Parameters" (page 19).
For IPGs using BurstDR™ stimulation parameters, see "Energy Factors for BurstDR™
Stimulation Parameters" (page 23).
NOTE: If the desired parameters do not appear in the tables, estimate the energy factor by
choosing a value between the listed energy factors for the closest parameters.
For an IPG using multiple areas, determine the energy factor for each area from the previous
step, and add each of these values together.
Use the figures in "Battery Longevity Graphs" (page 25) to determine the estimated battery
longevity by finding the energy factor from the previous steps on the curve for the
appropriate model IPG.