The patient study provided is intended for educational purposes only. Individual symptoms, situations, and circumstances may vary.
When you see the symbol during the fi rst 12 hours of wearing a Sensor, this is a reminder
that your body might still be getting used to the new Sensor. Confi rm Sensor glucose readings with a blood glucose test before making treatment decisions.
Reference: 1.
Kudva, Yogish C., Andrew J. Ahmann, Richard M. Bergenstal, James R. Gavin III, Davida F. Kruger, L. Kurt Midyett, Eden Miller, and Dennis R. Harris. “Approach to using trend arrows in the FreeStyle Libre fl ash
glucose monitoring systems in adults.”
Journal of the Endocrine Society 2, no. 12 (2018): 1320-1337.
Before breakfast
Lisa sees:
the †
because she placed
her sensor 11 hours
ago, before going to
bed. The trend arrow
is pointing diagonally
performs a
blood glucose check
with the built-in test
strip port before
deciding how many
carbs to eat. She
could consider taking
a little less insulin
since glucose is
Before lunch
Lisa sees:
trend arrow is
pointing diagonally
up, indicating that
her glucose is rising.
takes enough
insulin to cover
the meal, and a
little more, since
the trend arrow is
pointing upwards.
After lunch
Lisa sees:
glucose is high,
but trend arrow is
pointing diagonally
down, indicating
glucose could
15-30 mg/dL in
the next 30 minutes.
does not take
a correction dose as
it is within 2 hours of
her meal dose and
the trend arrow is
pointing downward.
This could result in
“insulin stacking” and
low glucose. Lisa sets
a reminder to scan
again in 30 minutes.
Before sleep
Lisa sees:
glucose is in range
but the trend arrow
is pointing down.
She remembers that
she ate less than
usual at dinner.
eats half a
sandwich prior to
getting ready for
bed and will scan
again before turning
off her light.
After breakfast
Lisa sees:
the trend
arrow pointing
diagonally up,
indicating her
glucose could rise
15-30 mg/dL in the
next 30 minutes.
takes no
action at this time
and decides she will
scan again later
because it is normal
for her glucose to
rise after a meal.
Before exercise
Lisa sees:
glucose is in range,
however the trend
arrow is pointing
diagonally down,
which indicates
her glucose could
decrease between
15 and 30 mg/dL in
the next 30 minutes.
decides to
take a snack with
her for her daily,
30-minute walk, in
case her glucose
goes low. She also
remembers to bring
her reader so that
she can scan again.
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A Day in the Life
How Lisa manages her diabetes with FreeStyle Libre 2 system*
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