2a. Start-Up
1. Power On/Off
Press the ‘POWER’ rocker switch (R12) at the rear of the AMP to switch on mains power to the AM-77.
To switch the mains power OFF, press again and release.
Always WAIT at least 30 seconds
before switching
ON again. This is to enable the
® circuit to shutdown properly.
The display will light up to indicate the unit is switched on and ready for use. This should take just under 1 minute
as the
® circuit is verifying and the AM-77 is warming up.
The display should flash the message:
O p t i m i s i n g
S u p p l y
V o l t a g e
The display will look like this:
W a r m i n g
U p
45 s
The display will then show the remaining warm-up time.
Once powered
OFF: always wait
30 seconds
before switching
on again