Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Monitoring during operation
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Revision H
November 2016
Speed differences with several turbochargers per engine
The speeds of all turbochargers on an engine vary only slightly from each other in standard
The difference between the highest and the lowest turbocharger speed must not be more than
3 %, relative to the speed limit n
If this permissible range of difference is exceeded, the following steps must be carried out:
Reduce the engine performance immediately to the point at which the maximum turbo-
charger speed does not exceed 70 % of n
If the engine cannot be stopped, it can continue to be driven at this reduced engine load or
turbocharger speed.
If a turbocharger surges continuously, the engine performance must be reduced further.
Measure the temperatures in the air lines and gas lines from and to the turbochargers and
compare with normal values.
If clear deviations of temperature are found, the nearest ABB Turbocharging Service Sta-
tion has to be contacted.
If the engine can be stopped temporarily:
Inspect air lines, gas lines and the turbochargers and remedy any malfunctions.
In any case, contacting the nearest ABB Turbocharging Service Station is recommended.