Operating Instructions VER:1.0
Pos: 107 /CNDEX/01 Heading/1.1 Heading/Heading_Generate cerfification file @ 62\mod_1497492880792_15.docx @ 791951 @ 2 @ 1
Generate certification file
Pos: 108 /CNDEX/09 Operation/Generate cerfitication file_H8301_IP gateway @ 62\mod_1497492942848_15.docx @ 791972 @ @ 1
Fig. 25: Generate certification file
The IP gateway will generate a certification file automatically when installed. Its validity period is
50 years. If the certification is invalid, you can create a new certification file on this page to
ensure normal operation.
Pos: 109 /CNDEX/99 Auxiliary tools/++++++++++++++ page break +++++++++++++++ @ 57\mod_1487814735946_0.docx @ 750979 @ @ 1