- 137 -
8 - Maintenance
- Code on display
- Error message
- Signal
Name of Alarm and Cause
- W026 *
- AFDD user reset
*not visualised on dis-
Reset of the Arc Fault error:
Manual reset of the Arc Fault error; this operation can
be made through the display or advanced configuration
• The reset of the Arc Fault error is done directly by the cus
tomer/installer and is not an error. The information is only saved
on the historic record of the events memorized by the inverter
- W027 *
- Latch-Manual reset
*not visualised on dis-
Resetting of the Latch alarm conditions:
Manual reset of the Latch alarm conditions; this opera-
tion can be made through the display or advanced con
figuration software.
• The reset of the Latch alarm conditions is done directly by
the customer/installer and is not an error. The information is
only saved on the historic record of the events memorized by
the inverter
- W046
- Grid conn. fault
Alarm LED
Connection to the grid unsuccessful
The alarm is logged when a Missing grid or Input UV
error occurs or due to the manual disconnection of the
inverter during the grid connection sequence.
• Once the error occurs, the inverter tries to return to normal
If the problem persists after a number of attempts to connect
the inverter, switch the inverter off and then on again.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- W047
- Update Incomplete
Alarm LED
FW update method unsuccessful
The alarm occurs when a firmware update has not
been completed.
• Complete any pending firmware updates.
- If the problem persists once the firmware updates have been
completed, switch the inverter off and on again.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- W048
- Periodic GridOff
Alarm LED
Automatic disconnection from the grid due to time
If the inverter exceeds the set grid connection time limit
set by the grid standard, it will automatically have to
carry out a disconnection and reconnection to the grid
to carry out the Riso test.
• The presence of this alarm is not an error as the automatic
disconnection is prescribed by safety regulations.
- If the inverter disconnects in a shorter time than expected,
contact customer assistance.
- W049 *
- Global-Settings Event
*not visualised on dis-
Variation of the grid standard
Variation of the inverter's grid standard; this change
can be made through the display or advanced configu
ration software.
• The variation in the inverter's grid standard is done directly
by the customer/installer and is not an error. The information
is only saved on the historic record of the events memorized
by the inverter
- W058
- System Frozen
Alarm LED
Converter in locked state:
The converter lock state is connected to an installation
phase in which the starts-up and grid connection condi-
tions are not yet present.
• Complete the commissioning phase of the inverter.
- If the problem persists (once the commissioning phase has
been completed and the inverter has been switched off and
back on again), contact customer assistance.
- E001
- Input OC
Alarm LED
Input over-current (photovoltaic generator):
The alarm occurs when the inverter's input current ex-
ceeds the inverter's threshold for maximum input cur-
• Check whether the composition of the PV generator enables
input current which exceeds the maximum threshold allowed by
the inverter and that the configuration of the inputs (independ
ent or in parallel) is carried out correctly.
- If both checks are positive, contact customer assistance.
- E002
- Input OV
Alarm LED
Input overvoltage (photovoltaic generator):
The alarm is generated when the input voltage (from
the PV generator) exceeds the inverter's threshold of
maximum input voltage.
The alarm occurs before reaching the absolute thresh
old over which the inverter is damaged.
When the inverter's input voltage exceeds the overvolt-
age threshold, the inverter will not start up due to the
generation of the alarm.
• It is necessary to measure the input voltage inside the inverter
with a voltmeter.
- If it is higher than the maximum voltage of the operating range,
the alarm is genuine and it is necessary to check the configura
tion of the PV generator. If the voltage has also exceeded the
maximum input threshold the inverter could be damaged.
- If it is lower than the maximum voltage of the operating range,
the alarm is caused by an internal malfunction and it is neces
sary to contact customer assistance.
- E003
- No Parameters
Alarm LED
DSP initialisation error:
The main microcontroller cannot initialise correctly the
two DSPs (booster stage and inverter stage). The error
is caused by communication problems on the inverter's
internal bus.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- E004
- Bulk OV
Alarm LED
“Bulk” over-voltage (DC-DC circuit):
Error inside the inverter. The alarm is raised when the
voltage at the heads of the bulk capacitors exceeds the
overvoltage threshold (internal unchangeable thresh
• The alarm may be triggered by causes external to the inverter:
- An excessive input voltage can be recorded as a condition for
bulk overvoltage. In this case it is advisable to check the invert
er's input voltage and should this value be close to the input OV
threshold, review the configuration of the photovoltaic generator.
- Excessive grid voltage could cause the bulk voltage to rise in
uncontrolled fashion with a consequent protection intervention
and hence generation of the alarm. In these cases the alarm is
transitory and the inverter automatically restarts
- The alarm may be triggered by causes inside the inverter and
in this case it is necessary to contact customer assistance.