14 | Terra 53/23 Charging Station User and Operator Guide version 1.0
User requirements obligations of the charge point operator and service provider
Notes on measurement accuracy according to the type examination certificate
Requirements for the operator of the charging device, which he must meet as a prerequisite for
proper operation of the charging device.
The operator of the charging facility is the user of the measuring device within the meaning of
Section 31 of the Measurement and Calibration Act
The charging device is only considered to be used as intended and in compliance with
calibration law if the meters built into it are not exposed to environmental conditions other
than those for which their type examination certificate was issued.
When registering the charging points with the Federal Network Agency, the user of this
product must also register the PK specified on the charging device for the charging points
in its registration form! Without this registration, it is not possible to operate the charging
device in compliance with calibration law.
The user of this product must ensure that the calibration validity periods for the
components in the charging device and for the charging device itself are not exceeded.
The user must store the signed data packets read from the loading device - in accordance
with the pagination, permanently (also) on hardware dedicated to this purpose in his
possession ("dedicated memory"), - keep them available for authorized third parties
(operational obligation of the memory.) . Permanent means that the data not only have to
be stored until the business transaction is completed, but at least until the expiry of the
legal deadlines for legal redress for the business transaction. No substitute values may be
created for non-existent data for billing purposes.
The user of this product must provide users of measured values who receive measured
values from this product from him and use them in business transactions with an electronic
form of operating instructions approved by the conformity assessment body. The user of
this product must in particular point out No. II "Requirements for the user of the measured
values from the charging device"
The user of this product is obliged to notify according to § 32 MessEG (excerpt):
Section 32 Obligation to notify (1) Anyone who uses new or renewed measuring devices
must notify the competent authority under state law no later than six weeks after
Insofar as it is considered necessary by the authorized authorities, the measuring device
user must provide the complete content of the dedicated local memory or of the memory
at the CPO with all data packets of the accounting period.
Requirements for the user of the measured values from the charging device (EMSP)
The user of the measured values must observe Section 33 of the MessEG
MessEG (quote)