The left-most digit on the display shows the
address of the register and the other three digits
indicate the parameter value recorded. The con-
figuration of the registers is illustrated in the
chapter "Main menus and submenus of settings
and registers".
The registers are updated once a stage of the
module starts and operates. Then the previous
values are moved one step forward in the regis-
ter and a new value is added to the memory
stack. At a maximum five values are recorded in
the memory and if a sixth starting or operation
occurs, the oldest value will be lost.
Data recorded
Bus voltage U1 as a multiple of the rated voltage U
. If the closing operation is
performed by stage 2, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Bus voltage value U1 at closing operation events (n-1)...(n-4).
Bus voltage U2 as a multiple of the rated voltage U
. If the closing operation is
performed by stage 1, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Bus voltage value U2 at closing operation events (n-1)...(n-4).
Line voltage U3 as a multiple of the rated voltage U
. Every closing operation is
stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Line voltage value U3 at closing operation events (n-1)...(n-4).
Phase angle difference between voltages U1 and U3. If the closing operation is per-
formed by the synchro-/voltage check function of stage 2 or the voltage check func-
tion of stage 1, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Phase angle difference value
at the closing operation events
Phase angle difference between voltages U2 and U3. If the closing operation is per-
formed by the synchro-/voltage-check function of stage 1 or the voltage-check func-
tion of stage 2, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Phase angle difference value
at the closing operation events
Frequency of line voltage U3 at closing operation.
Submenus 1...4: Frequency value f
at closing operation events (n...1)...(n-4).
Submenu 5: Number of closing operations of the synchro-check function of stage 1.
Frequency difference between voltages U1 and U3. If the closing operation is per-
formed by the synchro-/voltage-check function of stage 2 or the voltage-check func-
tion of stage 1, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Frequency difference value
at closing operation events
Submenu 5: Number of closing operations of the voltage check function of stage 1.
Frequency difference between voltages U2 and U3. If the closing operation is per-
formed by the synchro-/voltage-check function of stage 1 or the voltage-check func-
tion of stage 2, the readout " - - - " is stored in a memory.
Submenus 1...4: Frequency difference value
at closing operation events
Submenu 5: Number of closing operations of the synchro-check function of stage 2.