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Register/ Recorded information
Phase current I
displayed as a multiple of the rated current of the used input of the
overcurrent unit. If the overcurrent unit starts or operates, the current value at the
moment of operation is recorded in a memory stack. Any new operation adds a new
value to the stack and moves the old values one place forward. Five values are
memorized. If a sixth value is recorded, the oldest value is lost.
Phase current I
measured as a multiple of the rated current of the used input of the
overcurrent unit. If the overcurrent unit starts or operates, the current value at the
moment of operation is recorded in a memory stack. Any new operation adds a new
value to the stack and moves the old values one place forward. Five values are
memorized. If a sixth value is recorded, the oldest value is lost.
Phase current I
measured as a multiple of the rated current of the used input of the
overcurrent unit. If the overcurrent unit starts or operates, the current value at the
moment of operation is recorded in a memory stack. Any new operation adds a new
value to the stack and moves the old values one place forward. Five values are
memorized. If a sixth value is recorded, the oldest value is lost.
Maximum demand current value for a period of 15 minutes expressed in multiples
of the rated current I
of the used energizing input and based on the highest phase
current. // Highest maximum demand current value recorded after the last relay
Duration of the last start situation of the I> stage as a percentage of the set operate
time t> or at IDMT characteristic the calculated operate time. At any new start the
time counter starts from zero. Five start times are memorized. If a sixth start occurs
the oldest start time is lost. When the concerned stage has operated, the counter
reading is 100. // Number of starts of the low-set overcurrent stage I>, n (I>) =
Duration of the last start situation of the I>> stage as a percentage of the set operate
time t>>. At any new start the time counter starts from zero. Five start times are
memorized. If a sixth start occurs the oldest start time is lost. When the concerned
stage has operated, the counter reading is 100. // Number of starts of the high-set
overcurrent stage I>>, n (I>>) = 0...255.
Neutral current I
displayed as a multiple of the rated current of the used energizing
input of the earth-fault unit. If the earth-fault unit starts or operates, the current
value at the moment of operation is recorded in a memory stack. Any new operation
adds a new value to the memory stack and moves the old values forward one place.
Five values are memorized - if a sixth value is recorded, the oldest value will be lost.
Duration of the latest start situation of stage I
> as a percentage of the set operate time
> or in IDMT operation characteristic the calculated operate time. At any new start
the time counter starts from zero. Five start times are memorized. If a sixth start is
recorded the oldest start time is lost. When the concerned stage has operated, the
counter reading is 100. // Number of starts of the high-set overcurrent stage I>>, n
(I>>) = 0...255.
Duration of the latest start situation of stage I
>> as a percentage of the set operate
time t
>>. At any new start the time counter starts from zero. Five start times are
memorized. If a sixth start is recorded the oldest start time will be lost. When the
concerned stage has operated, the counter reading is 100. // Number of starts of the
high-set earth-fault stage I
>>, n (I
>>) = 0...255.
The left-most red digit shows the address of the
register and the right-most three digits the re-
corded value.