Appendix D
Instructions for Replacement of Fuses
The instructions provided below for the replacement of the motor controller fuses cover the minimum required information and considerations for proper replacement
of the fuses. Always keep in mind the recommended safety procedures when working in medium voltage equipment. The fuse replacement must only be carried
out once the controller has been electrically opened, racked out and removed from the MCC compartment.
For the safety of personnel extracting the controller of the MCC, all components should be electrically disconnected by means of a visible break, securely grounded,
locked out and tagged in accordance with personnel precautions spelled out in ANSI/ASSE Z244.1 “Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout/Tagout and Alternative
Once the controller is outside the MCC compartment, follow the instructions below for the replacement of the fuses:
1. Remove the 4 bolts that secure the galvanized metalsheet cover
(the dead front).
1. Verify the right position of the pins of the blown fuse mechanism that
is shown in the picture below on the right.
The picture shows the
improper position of the
pins of the blown fuse
mechanism for 400 A
Motor Control Center Controller
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 16