5. Current protection
Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC
The four step phase overcurrent protection function
OC4PTOC has an inverse or definite time delay independent
for step 1 and 4 separately. Step 2 and 3 are always definite
time delayed.
All IEC and ANSI inverse time characteristics are available
together with an optional user defined time characteristic.
The directional function is voltage polarized with memory. The
function can be set to be directional or non-directional
independently for each of the steps.
Second harmonic blocking level can be set for the function
and can be used to block each step individually
This function can be used as a backup bay protection (e.g.
for transformers, reactors, shunt capacitors and tie-breakers).
A special application is to use this phase overcurrent
protection to detect short-circuits between the feeder circuit
breaker and feeder CT in a feeder bay when the circuit
breaker is open. This functionality is called end-fault
protection. In such case unnecessarily operation of the
busbar differential protection can be prevented and only fast
overcurrent trip signal can be sent to the remote line end. In
order to utilize this functionality the circuit breaker status and
CB closing command must be connected to the REB670.
One of the overcurrent steps can be set and configured to act
as end-fault protection in REB670.
The function is normally used as end fault protection to clear
faults between current transformer and circuit breaker.
Four step single phase overcurrent protection PH4SPTOC
Four step single phase overcurrent protection
(PH4SPTOC)has an inverse or definite time delay independent
for each step separately.
All IEC and ANSI time delayed characteristics are available
together with an optional user defined time characteristic.
The function is normally used as end fault protection to clear
faults between current transformer and circuit breaker.
Breaker failure protection CCRBRF
Breaker failure protection (CCRBRF) ensures fast back-up
tripping of surrounding breakers in case the own breaker fails
to open. CCRBRF can be current based, contact based, or
an adaptive combination of these two conditions.
Current check with extremely short reset time is used as
check criterion to achieve high security against inadvertent
Contact check criteria can be used where the fault current
through the breaker is small.
CCRBRF can be single- or three-phase initiated to allow use
with single phase tripping applications. For the three-phase
version of CCRBRF the current criteria can be set to operate
only if two out of four for example, two phases or one phase
plus the residual current start. This gives a higher security to
the back-up trip command.
CCRBRF function can be programmed to give a single- or
three-phase re-trip of the own breaker to avoid unnecessary
tripping of surrounding breakers at an incorrect initiation due
to mistakes during testing.
Breaker failure protection, single phase version CCSRBRF
Breaker failure protection, single phase version (CCSRBRF)
function ensures fast back-up tripping of surrounding
A current check with extremely short reset time is used as
check criteria to achieve a high security against unnecessary
CCSRBRF can be programmed to give a re-trip of the own
breaker to avoid unnecessary tripping of surrounding
breakers at an incorrect starting due to mistakes during
6. Control
Autorecloser SMBRREC
The autoreclosing function provides high-speed and/or
delayed three pole autoreclosing. The autoreclosing can be
used for delayed busbar restoration. One Autorecloser
(SMBRREC) per zone can be made available.
Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI
presentation SLGGIO
The logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI
presentation (SLGGIO) (or the selector switch function block)
is used to get a selector switch functionality similar to the one
provided by a hardware selector switch. Hardware selector
switches are used extensively by utilities, in order to have
different functions operating on pre-set values. Hardware
switches are however sources for maintenance issues, lower
system reliability and an extended purchase portfolio. The
logic selector switches eliminate all these problems.
Selector mini switch VSGGIO
The Selector mini switch VSGGIO function block is a
multipurpose function used for a variety of applications, as a
general purpose switch.
VSGGIO can be controlled from the menu or from a symbol
on the single line diagram (SLD) on the local HMI.
Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GGIO
The Single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GGIO)
function block is a collection of 8 single point commands,
designed to bring in commands from REMOTE (SCADA) to
Busbar protection REB670
1MRK505212-BEN E
Product version: 1.2