Click in the list of signals to select one signal.
Shift or Ctrl and several signals to select a set of signals.
Right-click in the list of signals, select
Select All from the context menu or press Ctrl
+A to select all signals.
Press the blue arrow button to insert the selected signals into the configuration.
Press the green double arrow button to insert all signals into the configuration, see
IEC08000361 V1 EN-US
Figure 79: CMT: Move buttons
4. Click the drop down list
Signal Type: to select the other signal types for this channel.
5. Repeat to move signals for all signal types and save the selection.
Content changes in the DNP3 container are marked with a star at the end of the
name, see
. The star indicates that changes in the container have to
be saved before leaving CMT.
IEC08000339 V1 EN-US
Figure 80: CMT: Marker to indicate changes in the container
Setting DNP3 signal parameters
GUID-F762121A-41E5-49F1-9359-205CF9E15304 v1
Two parameters per signal can be set for all signal types:
The index of the signal
The class configuration
Procedure to set the index of the signal:
Click the two inner arrows to sort signals to another index sequence, or select
Set Index ...
from the context menu to move one or a set of signals to another array, see
Section 9
1MRK 511 284-UEN B
DNP3 communication engineering
650 series
Engineering manual
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