Section 1
This manual
The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points
specific to the IED. The manual should be used in conjunction with the
corresponding communication protocol manual.
Intended audience
This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator
responsible for pre-engineering and engineering for communication setup in a
substation from an IED perspective.
The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of
communication in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the
specific communication protocol.
Product documentation
Product documentation set
The application engineering guide provides information for IEC 61850 engineering
of the load shedding controller IED, protection and control IEDs and COM600
Station Automation device using PCM600, IET600 and SAB600. With a practical
example, the guide explains all the steps from system planning and engineering to
application functionality and IED parameterization for realizing the load shedding
functionality using the IEDs.
The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED
with the load shedding power management functions. The manual can also be used
by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance during the testing
phase. The manual provides procedures for checking external circuitry and
energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration. The manual describes the
process of testing an IED in a substation that is not in service. The chapters are
organized in chronological order in which the IED should be commissioned.
The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocol
supported by the IED. The manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations.
1MRS757261 C
Section 1
Point List Manual