Diagnostic Data
The diagnostic data of the controllers as DP slaves consist of 16
bytes. - These 16 bytes are composed of 6 bytes of standard
diagnostic data, and 10 bytes of device-related diagnostic data. -
- The length and the meaning of the standard diagnostic data are
given by the PROFIBUS standard. - The first 3 bytes are called
station status 1 to 3, bytes 4 to 6 contain additional information. -
Every data package transmitted by the slave to the master
informs the master about whether or not the slave has new
diagnostic data. -If there is diagnostic data, the master requests
this information from the slave with its next data telegram. The
diagnostic data are then evaluated in the master, and the
necessary actions can be taken.
Station status 1
Table 11
Description of the individual bits:
Bit number
Required actions
This bit is set by the DP
master, if it cannot reach
the DP slave via the bus.
When this bit is set, the
diagnostic bits assume
the status of the last
diagnostic message or
the initial value. The DP
slave sets this bit to 0. ---
Check the DP slave
address setting in the
device configuration. -
Check the connectors for
proper connection, and
check repeaters or
converters (if present) for
proper FO cabling. ---
This bit is set by the DP
slave, if the DP slave is
not yet ready for data
exchange. ---
The reason may be that
the device is currently
submitted to a
configuration data check,
or the supply voltage has
been switched on
recently and the device
is still running up. Wait
until the device works
This bit is set by the DP
slave when the last
configuration data
received by the DP
master are different from
the last data transmitted
by the DP slave. ----
Check parameters and
configuration data to see
whether or not the size
of the storage areas
specified by the modules
is sufficient for
transmitting the input and
output data. -------
Required actions
This bit is set by the DP
slave - When this bit is
set, this indicates that
diagnostic data is
available in the
slave-specific diagnostic
block. -
No actions required. The
diagnostic data is
detailed enough. --
This bit is set by the DP
slave when it does not
support the requested
function. --
Check the parameter
and configuration data
given to the DP master
for the DP slave.
Compare with the
device database file. - ---
This bit is set by the DP
master when it receives
an unplausible response
from a polled slave. The
DP slave sets this bit to
0. ----
Check the physical
transmission path for
faults like a missing
shield connection or bus
termination. -
This bit is set by the DP
slave after reception of a
faulty parameter
telegram, e.g. with wrong
length, wrong ID number,
invalid parameters, etc. --
Check the length of the
"User_ Prm_Data". Make
sure that the max.
permissible number of
bytes is not exceeded
and the variable indices
have valid values. -
The DP slave has been
configured by another
master. This bit is set by
the DP master (Class 1
master) if the address in
the 4th. byte of the
standard diagnostic data
is unequal to 255 and to
the master's own
address. The DP slave
sets this bit to 0. -------
Use the master that has
configured this DP slave
for accessing the slave. -