Operation Manual / Power2 550-M / High-pressure stage
1 Introduction / 1.8 Storage of new low-pressure and high-pressure
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March 2022
Long-term storage of low-pressure and high-pressure stages
The low-pressure and high-pressure stages will be prepared for long-term storage if reques-
ted in the purchase order. The package is equipped with a hygrometer (see illustration).
Fig. 5: Package with hygrometer
Every 6 months, the following measures are required:
Check the hygrometer (02) in the sight-glass. There is an opening (01) in the wooden
crate which allows this check to be carried out. When the display field has changed colour
at the 70% level, the maximum permissible humidity has been exceeded. In this case, the
low-pressure or high-pressure stage or the cartridge group must be checked and repack-
aged by a Turbo Systems service station.
Inspect the package for damage. If the package is damaged, the low-pressure or high-
pressure stage or the cartridge group must be checked and repackaged by a Turbo Sys-
tems service station.
After every 3 years the following work steps must be performed by a Turbo Systems service
Inspect the component
Replace the desiccant agent
Repackage the component.
70% field of the hygrometer has not changed colour
If the 70% field of the hygrometer (02) has not changed colour and the pack-
age is not damaged, the low-pressure or high-pressure stage can be put into
operation without previously having been checked by a Turbo Systems ser-
vice station.
Unpacking the low-pressure and high-pressure stages
The corrosion protection effect ends after the material is unpacked from the VCI package.
To avoid the formation of condensation, the surroundings and the content of the package
must have the same temperature during unpacking.