2101510MNA H | NGC82 00 AN D P GC 1000 US ER MA NUA L |
11.2.20 CPU Loading Alarm
This alarm indicates the processor is being overloaded. An occasional spike in processor loading is to
be expected. Multiple occurrences are not field-repairable.
To troubleshoot CPU loading:
View the alarm history for multiple occurrences. If an occasional warning is registered, this is
not a problem.
If multiple alarm occurrences exist, contact technical support for additional help.
11.2.21 System Memory Available Alarm
This alarm indicates the task memory resource is getting full. The recommended file size for the task
memory is 1 to 2 MB. This alarm may be received after adding additional applications.
To troubleshoot available system memory:
View the alarm history for multiple occurrences. If an occasional warning is registered, this is
not a problem.
View the resources from the PCCU Entry screen to check the available memory. If applicable,
the available memory could be increased incrementally.
When increasing the available memory, the available RAM file space is
Warm start the device to defrag the system memory (see section
Reducing the number of instantiated applications may be required. Contact technical support
for assistance.
11.2.22 RAM File Available Alarm
This alarm indicates the tfData file resource is becoming full. The recommended files size for tfData is
2 to 3 MB. This alarm may be received after changing the log period frequency, adding applications,
or setting up additional trend files.
To troubleshoot available RAM:
View the alarm history for multiple occurrences. If an occasional warning is registered, this is
not a problem.
View the resources from the PCCU Entry screen to check the available RAM file space. If
applicable, the RAM file space could be increased incrementally.
When increasing the available memory, the available RAM file space is
Warm start the device to defrag the system memory (see section
Reducing the number of instantiated applications, trend files or lengthening the log periods may
be required. Contact technical support for assistance.
11.2.23 FLASH File Available Alarm
This alarm indicates a shortage of file space in the 32 MB FLASH. Typically, this space is not user-
accessible; however, instantiating too many applications may cause an alarm.
To troubleshoot available flash file:
View the alarm history. If an occasional warning is registered, this is not a problem.
Delete excess applications if needed to clear the alarm.
Contact technical support if further assistance is needed.
11.2.24 Missing Peak - Calibration Not Used
This alarm indicates a missing peak during a calibration cycle and so calibration will not be used.
To troubleshoot a missing peak:
Compare the calibration blend concentrations to the calibration blend concentrations listed on
the Calibration Setup screen. If errors exist, make corrections and send the setup when