NAL/NALF – Mounting and operation manual
3.0 Adjustment of the hand operating, mechanism type HE
3.1 K-mechanism. Fig.2
(Switch in the open position)
Arrester ring S, on the front shaft of the HE-mechanism is remo-
ved, see Fig. 8. The operating handle is turned clockwise until the
switch closes. Mount the arrester ring.
Turn the handle clockwise and the switch opens. Test the arrester
ring for correct functioning.
3.2 A-mechanism. Fig. 3
Remove the arrester rings on the front shaft of the hand operating
mechanism, see Fig. 8. Turn the operating handle anti-clockwi-
se until the opening spring is charged and latched. Mount the
arrester ring. Turn the operating handle clockwise until the switch
closes. Test the arrester ring for correct functioning.
After having pulled out the arrester ring, turn the operating handle
anti-clockwise. The switch opens after approx. 20° rotation.
For step-by-step instructions for installation of the switch-discon-
nector with the HE hand operation mechanism, see item 5.1.
Fig. 2 Switch-disconnector type NAL with K-mechanism
Fig. 3 Switch-disconnector type NAL with A-mechanism