MicroSCADA Pro
System Overview
Technical Description
SYS 600 *9.0
Base system objects handle the configuration of the base system. They also define
the logical connections to NET units, other base systems and applications. With the
base system objects you modify the base system configuration and the logical
connections to other devices. Every base system has its own base system objects.
Communication system objects and their attributes specify the NET configurations.
They also give the NET an image of communication lines and communication
devices connected to them. Communication system objects handle the process
An attribute describe the properties of an object and information associated with it.
Attributes describe object values, functions, properties and activities. An object
normally has many different attributes. Each attribute can be defined with SCIL.
Different object types have different sets of attributes.
Static and dynamic attributes
Attributes can be divided into configurable and dynamic attributes. See Figure
• Configurable attributes define the identification and properties of the object.
Examples of configurable attributes of an object are the object name, object
address, activation criteria, connections to other objects and alarm handling.
Values of configurable attributes can be changed with SCIL or object definition
• Dynamic attributes represent object values and some additional information
related to the value, such as the status code and the time tag. Dynamic attributes
usually change based on process events.
Fig. 3.5.2.-1
An object with its configurable and dynamic attributes
Attributes of a process object
Changing the object value of a process object that represents an output controls a
process unit.
The updated process object value is stored with additional information. For
example, the occurence time is stored. Updating can be done with SCIL. Process
events can also lead to an update. Updating may lead to the following actions:
• Alarm related activities
• Printouts