Operation Manual / TPS48-D/E.. - TPS61-D/E..
5 Maintenance / 5.2 Cleaning the compressor during operation
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March 2020
5.2 Cleaning the compressor during operation
The contamination of the compressor stage (compressor wheel, wall in-
sert and diffuser) depends on the degree of purity of the taken-in air.
Deposits can form in the flow channels if salt, oil mist, exhaust gas or
dust are sucked in with the air.
Consequences of contamination:
Impaired compressor efficiency
Higher exhaust gas temperatures
Increased fuel consumption
Increased rotor unbalance
Periodic cleaning of the compressor during operation prevents or delays
any major increase in contamination. But it never replaces the regular
service work where the turbocharger is completely dismantled and the
compressor is mechanically cleaned.
If the coating of dirt is very thick and hard, the compressor can only be
cleaned manually when disassembled. This cleaning must be carried out
by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Cleaning interval
The interval between periodic cleaning is very dependent on the operat-
ing conditions. In general, cleaning should be carried out every 25 ... 100
operating hours.
Should the specified cleaning intervals prove incompatible with engine
operation, please contact ABB Turbocharging.