Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-M axial
© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision E
May 2020
Fig. 1: Layout and function ........................................... 4
Fig. 2: Connection of the compressor wheel cooling.... 5
Fig. 3: Warning plates on the turbocharger .............. 6
Fig. 4: Locations of the rating plates .......................... 7
Fig. 5: Turbocharger suspension points.................... 8
Fig. 6: Turbocharger suspension points.................... 9
Fig. 7: Removing the foot mounting.......................... 10
Fig. 8: Loosening the clamping nut ........................... 11
Fig. 9: Turbocharger suspension points................... 12
Fig. 10: Removing auxiliary screw .............................. 13
Fig. 11: Compressor-end foot ..................................... 13
Fig. 12: Turbine-end foot.............................................. 14
Fig. 13: CE foot contact surface ................................. 15
Fig. 15: Tightening the foot screws (1)...................... 16
Fig. 16: Tightening procedure..................................... 17
Fig. 17: Lubricating oil pressure measuring point .. 21
Fig. 18: Speed measurement....................................... 23
Fig. 19: Noise insulation, bellows ............................... 27
Fig. 20: Cleaning the filter silencer ........................... 34
Fig. 21: Cleaning the filter silencer (2) ...................... 36
Fig. 22: Cleaning the slotted diffuser ........................ 37
Fig. 23: Operation of water pressure vessel ........... 42
Fig. 24: Turbine and nozzle ring cleaning cycle ...... 46
Fig. 27: Weight of assemblies .................................... 58
Fig. 28: Removing the filter silencer ......................... 59
Fig. 29: Removing the air suction branch ............... 60
Fig. 30: Axial clearance ................................................. 61
Fig. 31: Removing wall insert...................................... 62
Fig. 32: Transporting and turning wall insert........... 63
Fig. 33: Removing the diffuser .................................... 63
Fig. 34: Removing the compressor casing ............... 64
Fig. 35: Safety-relevant screws ................................... 65
Fig. 36: Removing cartridge group 1.......................... 66
Fig. 37: Removing cartridge group 2.......................... 67
Fig. 38: Removing turbine diffuser 1.......................... 68
Fig. 39: Removing turbine diffuser 2.......................... 68
Fig. 40: Removing cover ring 1 .................................... 69
Fig. 41: Removing cover ring 2 .................................... 70
Fig. 42: Removing nozzle ring 1 ................................... 70
Fig. 43: Removing nozzle ring 2.................................... 71
Fig. 44: Installing nozzle ring 1 .................................... 72
Fig. 45: Installing nozzle ring 2.................................... 73
Fig. 46: Installing cover ring ........................................ 74
Fig. 47: Installing turbine diffuser 1 ........................... 75
Fig. 48: Installing turbine diffuser 2........................... 76
Fig. 49: Installing the cartridge group 1 .................... 77
Fig. 50: Installing the cartridge group 2.................... 78
Fig. 51: Installing the cartridge group 3 .................... 79
Fig. 52: Preparing the threaded stud (25008).......... 80
Fig. 53: Fitting the spinner nose cone (25012)......... 81
Fig. 54: Installing the compressor casing................. 82
Fig. 55: Installing diffuser ............................................ 83
Fig. 56: Turning and moving in wall insert................ 84
Fig. 57: Fitting wall insert............................................. 85
Fig. 58: Axial clearance.................................................. 86
Fig. 59: Installing the air suction branch................... 87
Fig. 60: Installing the filter silencer............................ 88