Operation Manual / TPL76-C
2 Safety / 2.8 Periodic checking of the pressure vessel
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Revision E
July 2017
2.8 Periodic checking of the pressure vessel
The pressure vessels used by ABB, such as those for wet or dry cleaning,
are so-called "simple pressure vessels".
The locally applicable legal regulations regarding periodic checks of
the pressure vessels must be observed.
The operating company is responsible for the safe operation of the
pressure vessel.
Danger due to pressure vessels
The operating company must make sure the pressure vessels are in
proper working condition and monitor them. Necessary repair or main-
tenance work must be carried out without delay and the required safety
precautions must be taken.
Pressure equipment must not be operated if it has defects.
2.9 Lifting loads
Suspended loads
Loads not suspended in compliance with regulations may lead to per-
sonal injury or accidents with fatal consequences.
Loads must always be fastened to technically perfect lifting gear
with sufficient loading capacity.
Make sure the load is suspended properly on the crane hook.
Do not let anyone stand beneath a suspended load.
Wear safety gloves to protect against mechanical hazards.
Wear safety helmet.