Operation Manual / TPL65-A32 / -A33 / -A36 + TPL69-A32 / -A33
1 Preliminary remarks / 1.3 Intended use of the turbocharger
© Copyright 2018 . All rights reserved.
Revision C
April 2018
1.3 Intended use of the turbocharger
This turbocharger supplied by ABB Turbo Systems has been developed
for use on diesel engines to generate the volume of air and the char-
ging pressure required to operate the engine.
The enginebuilder has provided ABB Turbo Systems with information
regarding the intended purpose of use of the engine, from which the
specific operating limits shown on the turbocharger rating plate (such
as speeds, temperatures and replacement intervals) have been determ-
Any other use is considered to be a special application, which must first
be clarified with ABB Turbo Systems. The manufacturer accepts no liab-
ility for any other type of use. If the equipment is used for any other
purpose, ABB Turbo Systems reserves the right to reject all warranty
State of the art
This turbocharger was built according to state-of-the-art technology
and is operationally safe according to recognised safety regulations.
Improper operation and maintenance of the turbocharger can result in
danger to life and limb of the user or third parties. In addition, im-
proper use may cause damage to the machine.
The machine may be operated only by trained personnel.
Use of the turbocharger as intended also includes observance of the in-
stallation / fitting, disassembly / removal, operating, maintenance / ser-
vicing and repair conditions specified by the manufacturer. Disposal reg-
ulations set down by local authorities must be observed.
Perfect condition
The turbocharger may be installed only when in technically perfect condi-
tion while observing the instructions given in the engine builder's
manual. It may be used only for the intended purpose and operated in
compliance with the operation manual.
Malfunctions which could affect safety must be eliminated immedi-
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage resulting from un-
authorised alterations to the turbocharger.