Operating Instructions VER:1.0
Pos: 85 /CNDEX/01 Heading/1.1 Heading/Heading_Calling a guard unit @ 57\mod_1488959501436_15.docx @ 760104 @ 2 @ 1
Calling a guard unit
Pos: 86 /CNDEX/09 Operation/Calling a guard unit_H8137xPx-S_H8137xK-S_OS @ 57\mod_1488960708204_15.docx @ 760381 @ @ 1
Fig. 38: Calling a guard unit
Villa outdoor station H8137xPx-S
Press the second button to call the guard unit. Press again to end the call.
If there is no answer from the guard unit within 30 s, the call ends automatically.
The second button can be set as calling PC guard through the indoor station.
Building outdoor station H8137xK-S
Press to call the guard unit. Press * to end the call.
If there is no answer from the resident within 30 s, the call ends automatically.
Pos: 87 /CNDEX/99 Auxiliary tools/++++++++++++++ page break +++++++++++++++ @ 57\mod_1487814735946_0.docx @ 750979 @ @ 1