FPD350 Torbar
Averaging pitot tubes
1 General Information
OI/FPD350–EN Rev. H
1 General Information
1.1 Description
Torbar is a multi-port, self-averaging primary flow element,
based on the 'Pitot Tube' principle of fluid flow measurement.
Torbar produces an averaged differential pressure (DP) signal
proportional to the square of the flow rate. This DP output is
normally connected via small-bore piping to a Differential
Pressure Transmitter that produces an electrical signal in
proportion to the flow rate.
There are 4 main versions:
1. For insertion through a threaded fitting with a compression
2. For insertion through a flange.
3. 'Hot-tap' versions, to enable insertion and withdrawal
under pressure.
4. Small pipe size versions equipped with 15 to 50 mm (0.5
to 2 in) in-line fittings and butt-welded, screwed or flanged
1.2 Health and Safety Information
Torbar is supplied specifically for the application detailed on the
tag-plate attached by a ring to the head of the product. Before
installing Torbar, ensure the tag-plate information is correct for
that application and matches the required specification.
Do not
use Torbar for any other application without consulting ABB
Limited or an accredited agent.
The instructions in this document detail the important basic
information to ensure correct installation. However, it is the
user's responsibility to ensure that suitably qualified personnel
perform the installation to established and recognized
engineering codes of practice.
Warnings in this document and warning labels on both the
Torbar and its containers/packaging must be observed.
It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the products detailed
in this publication are not used for purposes other than those for
which they are designed.
Any modification to or adaptation of Torbar may invalidate its
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that adequate protection
exists to prevent pressurization in excess of the maximum
specified pressure for Torbar, even in the event of a fire.
If there are any queries regarding the instructions in this
publication, contact either ABB Limited or their accredited agent
before installing Torbar.
The Pressure Equipment described in this
manual is supplied, where appropriate, in accordance with
the European Directive 97/23/EC and is designed to work in
pressurized systems. Take care when installing all
equipment and follow the instructions given. Failure to do
this could result in damage to equipment and create
possible hazards to operators and other equipment. Only
use the equipment on the process for which it was originally
designed. Install the equipment into a system that has been
designed to allow for venting or draining of the process. For
the necessary safety requirements refer to the appropriate
instructions in this manual.
Before drilling into a process pipe, or before carrying
out any maintenance activity or component
replacement, reduce the pipe pressure to a safe level
and remove all potentially injurious process material.
Note that this warning does not necessarily apply
when installing 'Hot-Tap' versions of Torbar (except
models FPD350.(L7/H7/H8).E2). However, ensure the
process material does not exceed the pressure and
temperature limits of the Torbar as specified.
The part of the Torbar external to the process pipe
may present a a burn hazard, especially if the
maximum temperature of the process material
exceeds 100 ºC (212 °F). Either lag or shield the
exposed parts of the Torbar to protect personnel or
display clear warning signs to alert personnel to the
possible hazard. Refer to Standard EN563: 1904
'Safety of Machinery – Temperatures of Touchable