AW T 210
H A R T 2- W I R E T R A N SM I T T ER | CO M/AW T 2 10/H A R T- EN R E V. B
…1 Health & Safety
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WEEE EU Directive 2012/19/EU covers disposal and recycling
of electronic equipment at the end of life for reasons of
environmental protection.
For industrial installations, portable equipment is
included. This means that when the AquaMaster4
transmitter is used with a portable AquaProbe sensor,
it is included in directive’s scope and has the WEEE
symbol (left) on its data label. Therefore, at the end of
life, contact the supplier for specialist waste
recycling. It must not be disposed of as municipal
Permanent Industrial installations are not designated within
this directive for recycling. At the point of supply the intended
use is not always known, so the WEEE symbol is included on all
remote forms of the AquaMaster4 transmitter.
Product recycling and disposal (Europe only)
Electrical equipment marked with this symbol may
not be disposed of in European public disposal
systems after 12 August 2005. To conform to
European local and national regulations (EU Directive
2012/19/EU), European electrical equipment users
can now return old or end-of-life equipment to the
manufacturer for disposal at no charge to the user.
ABB is committed to ensuring that the risk of any
environmental damage or pollution caused by any of
its products is minimized as far as possible.
For return for recycling, please contact the equipment
manufacturer or supplier for instructions on how to
return end-of-life equipment for proper disposal.
Information on ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU
ABB, Industrial Automation, Measurement & Analytics, UK, fully
supports the objectives of the ROHS II directive. All in-scope
products placed on the market by IAMA UK on and following the
22nd of July 2017 and without any specific exemption, will be
compliant to the ROHS II directive, 2011/65/EU.
Product symbols
Symbols that may appear on this product are shown below:
Risk of electric shock.
This symbol, when noted on a product, indicates a
potential hazard which could cause serious personal
injury and/or death. The user should reference this
instruction manual for operation and/or safety
Protective earth (ground) terminal.
Functional earth (ground) terminal.
Direct current supply only.
This symbol, when noted on a product enclosure or
barrier, indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or
electrocution exists and indicates that only
individuals qualified to work with hazardous voltages
should open the enclosure or remove the barrier.
Recycle separately from general waste under the
WEEE directive.