2 General Information
2.1 Description
The following instructions are designed to provide a step by step procedure; how to modify the
ACS355 UL Type 4X drive for Mxxx-01 (MPOW-01, MREL-01 or MTAC-01) option. If these
procedures are followed and executed properly all standard product warranties apply.
2.2 Safety in Installation and Maintenance
Refer to the safety section in the ACS355 User’s Manuals listed below.
Only qualified electricians are allowed to install and maintain
the drive!
Never work on the drive, motor cable or motor when input power is applied. After
disconnecting the input power, always wait for 5 minutes to let the intermediate circuit
capacitors discharge before you start working on the drive, motor or motor cable.
Always ensure by measuring with a multimeter that
1. There is no voltage between the drive input phases U1, V1, W1
and the ground.
2. There is no voltage between BRK+ and BRK- and the ground.
2.3 Reference Documentation
Doc Number
ACS355 User's manual
ACS355 UL Type 4X Supplement User’s Manual
Author: Jeff Fell – Application Eng., Greg Semrow – Product
Date: 8, 2014
Industry – Industrial
Document #: LVD-EOTN72U-EN
Revision: A
Product Categories: ACS355, MPOW, MREL, MTAC