Section 1 Safety Operator Warnings
2PAA110888-600 - Warnings based on 3BNP004865-600 RevA
Normally De-energized DO880 channels used in loops were a false trip directly
cause a hazardous event (e.g. fire extinguishing with CO2) are restricted to SIL2 if
the field device has a response time that is shorter than 10ms.
Normally De-energized DO880 channels are meant to be used with latched field
devices where no continuous energized safe state is required.
Normally De-energized DO880 channels shall not be used in EN ISO 13849
Normally Energized DO880 channels used in EN ISO 13849 applications; Category
4 is supported from DO880 product revision G, older product revisions support
Category 3.
When Normally Energized or Normally De-energized DO880 channels are
configured as inverted outputs, see Table 15. Safety Related Settings of DO880, care
must be taken to handle the fact that at application delete, or removal of the I/O
connection, the reaction of the outputs will activate the inverted function.
Application delete occurs when manually deleting an application or manually
selecting cold re-start at re configuration. Inverted out channels are not allowed in
SIL3 applications.
For channels of the DO880 module configured as Normally Energized Degraded
Mode (NE-DM), the Safety Integrity Level is SIL3 Low demand, or reduced to
SIL2 High demand during the Degraded Mode time (72 hours).
Power Supply
The AC 800M HI and the connected S800 I/O system (including field power) shall
be supplied from a SELV or PELV power supply connected through the power voter
SS823. Provided that each power supply contain or are equipped with double over
voltage protection (two independent means of limiting the output voltage to max 30
VDC), the SS823 can be omitted.
If any field device connected to the AC 800M HI is externally powered, the device
shall be supplied from a SELV or PELV
power supply connected through the power
voter SS823. Provided that each power supply contains or is equipped with double
over voltage protection (two independent means of limiting the output voltage to
max 30 VDC), the SS823 can be omitted. When externally powered transmitters are
connected to the analog input module AI880A via a fuse rated 60V/<= 0.1A, the
SS823 can be omitted for loops up to SIL2.