Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Disassembly and assembly
Page 64 / 113
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Revision H
November 2016
Screws for fastening the individual parts to
the filter silencer
Screws for fastening the individual parts
30 Nm
25 Nm
Table 29: Tightening torques (filter silencer screws)
Tighten all screws of the bottom parts (01) and (02).
Tighten all screws of the side parts (03, 04, 07, 08) and the flanges (10, 11).
Tighten all screws of the circumferential parts (05, 06, 09).
Figure 28: Fitting the bellows
Fit bellows (C) with frame (F), screws (S) and nuts (N) on the filter silencer casing.