| 1473-1-7868
— 6 —
Pos: 25 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Übe rsch rifte n ( --> Fü r alle Doku men te < -- )/2. E bene /G - L/Ko mbina tions möglic hkeite n @ 19\ mod _132 031 276 915 3_1 5.doc x @ 1 095 20 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 30 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Übe rsch rifte n ( --> Fü r alle Doku men te < -- )/1. E bene /A - F/Anschl uss @ 19\ mod _13 0924 827 843 5_1 cx @ 1 074 13 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 31 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Anschl uss/Dim me r/Anschl uss - 659 1 U- 101 @ 23 \mo d_1 333 0939 200 08_ 15.d ocx @ 207 132 @ @ 1
Fig. 1
Terminals for W elcome system
Terminals (Telephoneline clamps) for Private Branch Exchange (PBX) in telephone system
The telephone gateway is always set as master. The related indoor stations in the same
appartment have always to be set as slave (Please refer to the operating manual of the indoor
Integration of the Telephone Gateway in your telephone system
The procedure of integrating the Thelephone Gateway into your system depends on the telephone system and
can vary. Please refer to the topic “Integration of analogue subscribers” in the manual of your telephone system.
The integration of the Telephone Gateway is succsessfull, if it can be called by other participants and can call
others by itself.
System security
Avoid misuse by intruders and configure your telephone system in a way, that the
Telephone Gateway can not directly be called from an external telephone. This will
prevent unauthorised access of intruders.
If it is necessary to have external access to the Gateway, please activate the indoor station PIN
(See Page 9).
Pos: 32 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dok ume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dok ume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eiten umb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_ 126 8898 668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @