Inspecting product
Protection relays require careful handling before installation on site.
Check the protection relay to see if any damage occurred during transportation.
If the protection relay has been damaged during transportation, make a claim against the
transport contractor, and notify the local ABB representative.
Returning a product damaged in transit
If damage has occurred during transport, appropriate actions must be taken against the
latest carrier. Please inform the nearest ABB office or representative. Notify ABB
immediately if there are any discrepancies in relation to the delivery documents.
If the protection relay is stored before installation, it must be done in the original transport
casing in a dry and dust free place in accordance with ANSI C37.90.0.
Observe the environmental requirements stated in the technical manual.
Section 3
1MAC457436-IB B
Unpacking, inspecting and storing
620 series ANSI
Installation Manual