JTAG debug interface for SeeCode™ Debugger, BDI2000 (PPC744x/745x)
User Manual 20
© Copyright 1999-2003 by ABATRON AG
V 1.00
5.3 Direct Commands
For special functions (mainly for flash programming) the BDI supports so called «Direct Commands».
This commands can be entered in a command file (e.g. PRELOAD.CMD) or directly executed as
property in the Command Line Window. This Direct Commands are not interpreted by SeeCode but
directly sent to the BDI. After processing the command the result is displayed in the debugger’s con-
Direct Commands are ASCII - Strings with the following structure:
<Object>.<Action> [<ParName>=<ParValue>]...
flash.erase addr=0x02800000
All names are case insensitive. Parameter values are numbers or strings. Numeric parameters can
be entered as decimal (e.g. 700) or as hexadecimal (0x80000) values.
If the commands are entered via the SeeCode property feature, use the following syntax:
prop bdi_dc="direct-command"
prop bdi_dc="flash.load addr=0x02800000 size=0x200000"
5.3.1 Target.Reset
This direct command executes a real physical reset of the target system.
5.3.2 Flash.Setup
In order to support loading into flash memory, the BDI needs some information about the used flash
devices. Before any other flash related command can be used, this direct command must be execut-
flash.setup type=am29f size=0x80000 bus=32 workspace=0x1000
This parameter defines the type of flash used. It is used to select the correct program-
ming algorithm. The following flash types are supported:
AM29F, AM29BX8, AM29BX16, I28BX8, I28BX16, AT49, AT49X8, AT49X16,
I28BX32, AM29DX16, AM29DX32
The size of one flash chip in bytes (e.g. AM29F010 = 0x20000). This value is used to
calculate the starting address of the current flash memory bank.
The width of the memory bus that leads to the flash chips. Do not enter the width of
the flash chip itself. The parameter TYPE carries the information about the number of
data lines connected to one flash chip. For example, enter 16 if you are using two
AM29F010 to build a 16bit flash memory bank.
If a workspace is defined, the BDI uses a faster programming algorithm that run out of
RAM on the target system. Otherwise, the algorithm is processed within the BDI. The
workspace is used for a 1kByte data buffer and to store the algorithm code. There must
be at least 2kBytes of RAM available for this purpose.