Equipment General Information................................... 1
Technical Specifications ............................................. 1
1) Dimensions ............................................................. 1
2) Spare Part List
III Safety Instructions........................................................ 4
1) General Warnings, Cautions and Notes..................... 4
2) Device usage ........................................................... 5
IV Appendix ..................................................................... 7
Technical Problems & Solutions.................................. 8
VI Inspection & Maintenance .......................................... 8
VII Warranty Policy............................................................ 9
Warranty Certificate .................................................... 10
General Safety Operation Manual Instructions Summary:
It is essential to carefully review and understood this Operation Manual
before operating the equipment. Failing to read and understand this entire
manual may cause injury or death to personnel, or damage to equipment
and the products that are being handled by this equipment if not properly
followed. This safety summary includes general safety precautions and
instructions that must be understood and applied before, during, and after
operations, as well as maintenance to ensure personnel safety and
protection of equipment. Prior to performing any task, the contents
included in this manual should be reviewed and fully understood.
This manual highlights essential operating or maintenance procedure,
practice, condition, statement, etc. that if not strictly observed, could result
in injury, or death of, personnel or long term hazards; could result in
damage to products being handled, or damage to/destruction of
AWT7523C - Operation Manual
ABACO MACHINES -All Rights Reserved