40 User Guide for the Platinum Series Sound Processor
Contact Us
Advanced Bionics is committed to providing the highest quality products and
service to our customers . We welcome your comments regarding the Platinum Series
Sound Processor or your suggestions to improve our products . Please feel free to
contact Advanced Bionics or discuss your suggestions with your implant professional .
Advanced Bionics, Platinum Series™, HiResolution™, HiRes 90K™, Neptune™,
Harmony™, Auria™, Built Kid Tough™ and IntelliLink™ are trademarks of Advanced
Bionics in the United States of America and other countries .
029-M296-03 Rev B
Advanced Bionics AG
Laubisrütistrasse 28, 8712 Stäfa, Switzerland
T: +41 .58 .928 .78 .00 F: +41 .58 .928 .78 .90
Manufactured by:
Advanced Bionics LLC
28515 Westinghouse Place, Valencia, CA 91355, United States
T: +1 .877 .829 .0026 T: +1 .661 .362 .1400 F: +1 .661 .362 .1500
For additional contact information, please visit AdvancedBionics.com