Customize RS-232 Baudrate Setting
RS-232 preconfigured baud rate setting (is 115200-8n1)
It can be changed by following ways to match RS-232
Control Device or Display/TV/Projector:
Launch PB7000 Web page by Web browser, Click " “Func-
tions” Tab.
In Serial Over IP section, change Baudrate setting to
match RS-232 control device or display Rs-232 setting.
Type 1 RS-232 Unicasting
1 Sender to 1 Receiver at Same Video Channel
Select Type 1 Operation Mode, Click Apply Button and
reboot the unit to take effect. Both Sender and Receiver
need to be at same Operation Mode.
Switch between "command mode" and "redirection mode"
by sending
"Ctrl+N" (0x0E)
control code in RS-232 console.
Press "Ctrl+N" to Stop redirection mode, you will
see a command prompt ">" shows up.
Enter following Unicast command in RS-232 Console as
ast_c [Receiver's ID] [baudrate-8n1]
ie. to connect to Receiver which has hostname Aavara-
.local & connected Display's RS-232
baudrate 9600bps:
RS-232 Console will show:
====<Start of Aavara-client0300000000F2.local>====
Then, Unicasting mode start to that Receiver.
* Receiver's ID can be found on left bottom corner of Display show when
unit booting.
Type 2 RS-232 Broadcasting (Factory Defaut)
1 Sender to All Receivers at Same Video Channel
Under this mode, the RS232 redirection is automatically
established between Sender and Receivers.
Pre-configured baud rate setting is 115200-8n1(default, can
be changed).
Sender will Keep talking to all Receivers connected in same
network or same VLAN group and same Video Channel.
Once one of Receivers starting RS-232 communication,
other Receivers won't be able to send data at same time.
When that Receiver finishes RS-232 communication, Sender
will keep waiting for a period of time without any data
input then reopen RS-232 talking to other Receivers.
RS-232 Guest Mode
PB7000 provides RS-232 guest mode which allow
installer/user can do RS-232 command pass-thru over IP
directly by Telnet session.
The most easy way to use “Guest Mode” is to configure as
“Type2 guest mode”, then use telnet utility to connect to
the box’s port 6752.
The telnet session will become the RS232 redirection session
To Find PB7000 on Ethernet Network
RS-232 Pass-Thru Installation
* 0000 repesent video channel setting, 0 is Off, 1 is On
* 123456789012 is Receiver's Mac Address
Host Name Rule
To finding and Linking Sender or Receiver by PC/NB with MS
Windows OS, please download the Apple Bonjour SDK from
following URL:
* Not needed in Apple Max Os X PC/NB, it's built-in in Mac OS X.
Change PC/NB Ethernet RJ45 port IP setting to or IP address within 169.254.???.??? C
class. And, netmask
To Link Sender or Receiver to Switch or to PC directly by
Cat5e cable and Power On. May use third party's Bonjour
Browser software (Google it and download) to find all
PB7000 senders and receivers on the Ethernet switch
Launch Web Browser with IP address of the unit you like
to config.
Type 1 RS-232 Unicasting
To Find PB7000 on Ethernet Network
To finding and Linking Sender or Receiver by PC/NB with MS
PB7000 HDMI USB KVM/Broadcaster Quick Start Guide
Summary of Contents for PB7000
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