Charging cable
A char ging ca ble for your ve hi cle is avai la ble as an ac ces so ry. Ap pro xi ma te -
ly a re char ge of 80% is pos si ble by ac ces sing your vehicle’s bat te ry using a
char ging ca ble. Con nec tor
fits to the ci ga ret te lighter; plug in con nec tor
at the bat te ry pack.
Be fo re using the char ging cable, plea se read and follow all in struc -
tions and war ning no tes in clu ded with the char ging ca ble.
Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ging ca -
Check the char ging ca ble re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oil, grea se,
ag gres si ve clea ning agents, thin ners and/or da ma ge by sharp ed ges,
Re pairs and ser vi ce check-ups may only be per for med by AAT Al ber
An triebs tech nik GmbH or their aut ho ri zed per son nel.
Battery pack
The quick re lea se bat te ry pack, con si sting of sea led lead acid bat te ries,
should be re char ged af ter each use. (Tech ni cal de tails for the sea led lead
acid bat te ries you find in chap ter 8.3.1).
The bat te ry pack is sub ject to a so-cal led self-disch ar ge. The re fo re, you
should con nect the bat te ry pack to the char ger whe ne ver pos si ble. Due to
the fact that the bat te ry pack au to ma ti cal ly goes into char ge re ten ti on as
soon as it is ful ly char ged, an over char ge is im pos si ble.
If your bat te ry pack does not pos sess its full ca pa ci ty yet, the rea son may be
that a new bat te ry pack rea ches its full ca pa ci ty only af ter se ve ral char -
ging/disch ar ging cy cles.
If ful ly char ged bat te ries disch ar ge more quic kly as be fo re, they are pro ba bly
used up. In such case, plea se have your aut ho ri zed dea ler check and re pla -
ce them, if ne ces sa ry.
If the
is at a stand still for some time, plea se con nect it to the
char ger to re tain the char ge. This does not da ma ge the sea led lead
acid bat te ries, on the con tra ry, it in crea ses their du ra bi li ty.
160 kg