January 2014 - TD 302 Operating Manual for Pressure 4117/4117R Tide 5217/5217R, Wave & Tide 5218/5218RPage 27
Installation on SeaGuard
Pressure sensor 4117, Tide sensor 5217, and Wave and Tide sensor 5218 are equipped with a CANbus interface
supporting the Aanderaa AiCaP (Automated idle line CANbus Protocol). This standard ensures easy plug and play
connection to all Aanderaa SeaGuard and SmartGuard data loggers.
When connected to a AiCaP network the sensor will report its capabilities and specifications to the data logger
at power up. The data logger assembles the information and provides the user with the possibility to configure
the instrument based on the present node. The solution provides for great flexibility in both use and design of
the different elements within the system.
Note! This chapter describes the installation and the SeaGuard
Configuration of the Pressure sensor, Tide sensor
and the Wave and Tide sensor. Refer TD262a for a thorough description of configuring the SeaGuard Instrument,
and to perform Node Identification, more Deployment settings, Recorder settings, and to view/edit sensor
calibration coefficients.
Installation on SeaGuard platform
The Pressure Sensor 4117, Tide Sensor 5217, and Wave and Tide Sensor 5218 can easily be installed on
Aanderaa SeaGuard data loggers. We recommend that you install the sensor in sensor position 2, refer
. Sensor 4117/5217/5218 can also be installed in position 3, 4, 5 or 6. If mounted in position 6 you will need
to use a patch cable to connect the sensor to the HUB card, refer TD262a SeaGuard Platform Operating Manual.
If placed next to the Conductivity sensor, the cell factor calibration performed on the Conductivity sensor might
be influenced.
Figure 5-1 Illustration of the SeaGuard Top-end