O p e r a t o r P a n e l
A O P - 8 1 5 0 W T
AOP-8150WT User’s Manual 3rd Ed. - 42 -
1. Installing
2000 from a USB CD-ROM Drive
may cause a "Stop 0x7B" Error
Only if you install Windows
2000 SP3 or upgraded version, the
error will be automatically corrected.
Categorized List of Fixes in Windows
2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
Q294820 - Installing Windows
2000 from a USB CD-ROM Drive
May Cause a "Stop 0x7B" Error
PSS ID Number: 294820
Article Last Modified on 5/28/2003
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows
2000 Server SP1
Microsoft Windows
2000 Server SP2
Microsoft Windows
2000 Advanced Server SP1
Microsoft Windows
2000 Advanced Server SP2
Microsoft Windows
2000 Professional SP1
Microsoft Windows
2000 Professional SP2