Office Sets
You may setup any one of Office command sets such as: “Zoom In, Zoom Out, Paste
Text” to the "Gesture Button".
1. Zoom In/Out
One click to perform zoom in or zoom out function, applicable to CAD,
ACDSee, Windows or text editing programs.
2. Paste Text
One click to perform “Select, Copy & Paste” texts, it turns office jobs can
never be so simple.
Quick access to Office, such as: New File, Open File, Save File, Redo, Undo.
Quick access to Multimedia commands, such as: Media Player (Open), Previous, Next,
Stop, Play/Pause, Mute, , Volume-…etc.
Quick access to usually used Internet commands, such as: Backward, Forward, Stop,
Refresh, Search, My Favorite, Web Browser, E-mail...etc.
How to use "Gesture Button" as "16-in-1" function
Example 1:
as “Zoom In” command by default, when you are viewing a picture with ACDSee, or browsing a PPT
file in the Office, or Reading a PDF file…etc, just pressing the “Gesture Button ”and draw the line as shown
below, then release the “Gesture Button ”, the picture or the document will be zoomed in immediately.
Press and hold the gesture button to draw any of 16 lines and directions
as shown on the right, then release the button. The corresponding
commands will be executed immediately, including Keyboard, Mouse,
Office, Text, Multimedia, Internet and open a file, which can be preset
and store to your receiver memory.
Diagrams of 16 mouse