About this Document
Purpose of this Document
This guide provides information that may be useful for designing, validating, and assembling battery packs with
A123 Nanophosphate
cells. Creating a well designed battery pack requires many considerations. The scope of this
guide is to outline the unique aspects of designing battery packs with A123 Nanophosphate
cells. A123 Energy
Solutions recommends the study of additional relevant documentation from appropriate sources before designing
validating, and assembling battery packs with A123 Nanophosphate cells. This document may not be applicable to
any cells not provided by A123.
Anyone involved in the design, use, or assembly of products that use A123 cells should read and understand this
Designing, validating and assembling battery packs is potentially dangerous to personnel
and property. Therefore, these activities should only be attempted with a complete
understanding of all aspects of proper battery pack design and construction. A123 is not
responsible for any battery pack designed by any party other than A123. Anyone involved
in building a battery pack with A123 cells must have the training and experience necessary
to safely handle the cells and prevent accidental short circuits and arc flashes.